We're going to take a break

Things have been changing rapidly and dramatically since our last contact and luckily the weather has been downright crummy causing us to cancel Thursday and Saturday classes.  Yesterday we found out that Tuesday Night Racing has been canceled due to concerns about the ability to safely staff the committee boat.

So a week ago we talked about not holding classes inside the Juniors Room.  Over the weekend we decided sailing in multi-person boats no longer made sense and now we think we should just cancel this week's sailing and reassess prior to March 26th's Thursday Afternoon Open Sailing.

These are unprecedented times and it is important for all of us to strictly follow the guidelines provided to protect your health and the health of others.  I'm sure we all agree we would rather be sailing but we will need to wait a bit until we can be sure we are able to do so in a way that doesn't risk the inadvertent spread of this virus.

In the meantime, we do have a Youtube playlist of some informative and fun videos on our website and will be adding more to try and quench the sailing thirst.  Feel free to send us your links to your favorite sailing videos and, if appropriate, we'll add them to our playlist for others to enjoy.